Plan miasta Tonge Corner

Tonge Corner - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Severus ? A Voice in the Corner

The bemused local was taken aback by being addressed by the strangely dressed woman, not least because the word 'hotel' whilst not being immediately familiar rattled some thing loose in his brain. ?An inn, somewhere to stay, ...
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Tokio Hotel Malaysian Fans: FAN ART: Drawing of Tom!

Welcome to Tokio Hotel Malaysia! .... Distinctive signs: Eight piercings - one on the right eyebrow (since the age of 12), one on his tongue (14), one on his left nipple, three on his left ear and one on his right ear (20). .... Distinctive signs: A piercing on the left corner of his lower lip and one ear piercing on each ear. Personality: Cool & funny, he always has a witty answer ready and a genial disposition. He likes to say that he's the boss of the band and the real ...
źródło: BlogSearch

L.A.Times Crossword bCorner/b: Tuesday, December 8, 2009 Timothy L b.../b

I knew the press was the fourth bestate/b, but I put "media" on first pass. I just accepted "baht" at Thai bread and didn't even think about the money connection until I came here. Also, penciled in the "h" in "Shebop" because it looked b..../b I developed a taste for beef btongue/b when I worked bar tending and waiting tables for Brooke Astor. She had a German chef who loved me because I was taking German in high school. She would package up the leftovers for me to take home. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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